
Concerned About The Safety Of Your Staff? You Should Be!

safety - employee
You have a legal responsibility to protect and keep your employees safe. You have to provision against injuries, bullying, and harassment. Unfortunately, the law goes ignored sometimes. And, in some cases, people simply don’t understand it. Ignorance isn’t a good enough excuse, though. And relying on it could land you in hot water.

To help you to protect yourself against injury claims and court cases, this post will take you through some of the common areas to be aware of. Most of these cases can result in payouts for your staff member, that have to come from your pocket. But, of course, every country is different and so are the laws they hold. You’ll need to do your own research when it comes to getting your company shipshape and safe. You can use and other local websites, to help with your research.



If someone trips over a box in a walkway and gets hurt, that could be your responsibility. If someone hurts themselves on the corner of a desk, that could be your responsibility. It doesn’t matter who’s fault the accident is, only whether or not you have trained your staff. If you can prove that all of your staff members are trained not to leave obstructions or walk without looking forwards, then you’ll be alright. But, if you haven’t trained staff at all, you could be in trouble. This area includes other things, like heavy lifting, as well.


  • Bullying And Harassment


Any sort of bullying or harassment in the workplace can be particularly serious. Over years and years of torment, people will develop psychological problems. In an environment that doesn’t take action against bullying, the employer will be responsible for the damage caused. Make sure that your employees are aware that they can report issues to you, without it being problem.


  • Equipment


You are responsible for all of the equipment that your staff use to carry out their jobs. You are also responsible for maintaining it. Make sure that your employees are trained to let you know if their equipment becomes unsafe. You should also train your staff to use equipment safely. If their equipment fails or the employee injures themselves due to ignorance, it will be down to you.


  • The Working Environment


Much like their equipment, you’re also responsible for the environment your staff work in. Diseases caused by things like asbestos or waste can come back to you. Or, if there aren’t warning signs around something high voltage, an employee getting shocked would be your fault. Make sure that the environment your staff work in is safe. Both from physical injuries, and potential illness. Use warning signs to help your staff!


  • Soaring Stress Levels


Stress, unfortunately, causes psychological illness. Over a long period, our brains will start to overreact to stress and the results can be devastating. It’s your responsibility to keep your staff happy and calm throughout their work. Avoid threats and always work to boost moral. If your business is in a risky line of work, then you need to take extra steps to keep your staff level. Having an onsite specialist to deal with stress can help your company to no end.




Image 1 credits: By NATO Training Mission-Afghanistan
Staff Sgt. Larry E. Reid Jr./99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office/NATO Training Mission – Afghanistan Public Affairs Office – A Kabul Milli factory employee cuts out boot pattern layers to begin the boot manufacturing process, Public Domain, Link

Image 2 credits:

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