When you are traveling for business, you must have a way of managing your business’ affairs while away. You may or may not have a staff back at home, but there is no way that the business can run smoothly if you have not prepared properly. Take each of the items below as suggestions on how to work your company on the road and stay mobile in a technologically savvy world.

Credit Card Processing
You need to have a way to process transactions when you are not at your desk. Most websites have an eCommerce section that runs credit card purchases for your company. Most of these purchases are done without your help, but you can get a credit card processor to carry the software on your computer. With credit card processing you can take credit card information from your customers over the phone, and input the information on your own.
The Schedule
You can manage your schedule outside the office with the help of a mobile app. The mobile app can alert you to your next appointments, and you will be able to cross things off your to-do list. Make sure to add in time where you’ll be in transit and give yourself extra time for delays before big meetings. This way you will be able to work your schedule even if your receptionist is not there to help you.
The Presentations
If you carry around your presentations in your computer, you can carry a portable projector with you to do all your presentations with. You never want to rely on the meeting place to have everything you need. You can bring along the items you need to create to the presentations and give out the information you promised. You will be the most prepared person on the road, and will be able to present with confidence at every new stop.
Your Travel
While traveling, you can download mobile apps to tell you when your net flight is, you can check in over the app and you will be able to rent a car through your phone. Everything that involves your travel can be done with your phone, and this way you do not need to consult anyone to get to your next destination.
When you are going to go on the road, you have to make sure that you are ready to run your business away from your desk. The ideas above are going to show you how you can be completely on top of the situation as soon as you leave the office. Your time on the road is going to be much more productive when you handle things as described.